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Which Way/Peu Importe is available in FR and EN. Browser or download for Windows.

Created for exPhrasis, an interactive exhibition curated by NT2 Lab in Montreal. Highly recommended:

Which Way consists of an interactive adaptation of the short story "No Matter Which Way We Turned", from the collection Song for the Unraveling of the World by Brian Evenson (2019). This short story describes the horror of a community confronted with a young girl whose front half of the body is unobservable. If anyone attempts to position themselves in front of her, she inevitably pivots. The story ends with the girl abandoned to herself, barricaded in an abandoned house, while the protagonist constantly dreams of this unseen face staring back at him from the sky.

Frédérick Maheux and Gabriel Tremblay-Gaudette (re)present the horrific strangeness of this story by making use of the affordances of the video game: the anxiety of the organic glitch, the frustration of not having access to the face despite attempts to get closer, and the renunciation to which this situation leads. The project thus takes the form of a three-dimensional game with a first-person perspective where the player tries in vain to position themself in front of a 3D model of this impossible corporality.

Design, coding and music : Frédérick Maheux
Adaptation and testing : Gabriel Tremblay-Gaudette
And a huge thanks to Brian Evenson for his support.
Light sound asset by


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This is amazing! It's so simple but beautiful! Truly an inspiration




I'm a huge fan of your style  :)


I really liked the concept behind it and it was a bit terrifying as the glitches came.



I like it!